Sunday, June 7, 2009

~10 Things I LOVE Sunday!~

2. panda rings by Steppie
(these are so clever! made on little scrabble tiles)
3. the Argyle Academy
illustrations by Mike Lowry

4. ecojot journals and agendas

5. photographer federico erra
6. artist Adolie Day
7. dear bambi pendants
by emedemarta
8. can't wait to see this movie:
9. the cappuccino at Da Vinci
10. watching "Dirty Dancing" over and over again =)
(the music moves me!)
Happiest Sunday to everyone!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ditto on Dirty Dancing and those Bambi pendants are adorable!

melissa kaye said...

Thanks, Kristin! =)
Do you also have the Dirty Dancing soundtrack in your car? lol

Leigh-Ann said...

i love uppercase and dirty dancing toooo!!! :)