Friday, June 26, 2009

friday + cute things~

TGIF! I got this from Holly's blog. :)

Outside My Window
there is a little sunshine and some clouds. Maybe it will rain..

I Am Thinking
about photography and how I need to be shooting more. Lately I've been uninspired with my camera so I want to get that back.

I Am Thankful
that I'm alive today. There was too much sadness yesterday.

From The Kitchen
you can see the busy counter tops full of flowers, nuts, tomatoes, and avocados.

I Am Wearing
my VS polka dot pajamas and green tank top :~)

I Am Creating
~plans for next month.
~birthday gifts for people.

I Am Going
-to take a shower in about 5 minutes so I can start my day.
-to Panera this afternoon. I'm excited since I've never been there.
-to try and relax today. Hopefully no more headaches.
-to read more.
-to start my detox very soon. Maybe tomorrow..

Around The House:
coffee (of course), school stuff, today's newspaper, sunflowers in a vase

One of My Favorite Things:
eating watermelon anytime day or night. The smell and the deliciousness reminds me of swimming and summertime. I just love it!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Weekend:
-watch "Firefly" on Blu-ray
-gym (if my legs aren't sore still..)
-finish my assignments for this week to turn in
-a possible photo shoot on Sunday
-start my Wonderland journal kit

I just bought this owl kit from RVA last night.
(I'm really becoming fond of owl things as of late--maybe I will start collecting them. hmm...)
Common Totes by Ula Phelep
Have a fun-filled weekend! =)


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That owl kit is too cute! Hope you have a fab weekend!

Elizabeth Marie said...

I love watermelon too...I want some right now. And Panera is so good! Did you like it? I'm writing a lot about food haha!

I hope you have a good weekend!! I am trying to get back into photography also yay!!


melissa kaye said...

Thank you, Kristin and Elizabeth! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and do something fun. :~)