Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May 1st!

Lewis and I went to Peche for a late afternoon lunch. I was excited because I finally got to take him to the place I've been telling everyone about! I am so pleased that he likes it as much as I do. :-)

Tonight I've been studying (or cramming if you will) for my math final which is tomorrow morning. Isn't it just evil of the school to schedule a final on a Saturday morning? Much less a MATH final? Ugh. I am not thrilled about it but I'll feel better once it's done and out of the way. I hate math. I don't think math and I will ever get along..

Beautiful things to keep my mind off of studying for the moment.. =)

I am in love with Orla Kiely....

her designs are so wonderful.


I'm off to sleep now. Waking up early to review again with a few good cups of java. Goodnight :)

1 comment:

Elli said...

oooooh all of this is divine!